Top 4 ways to stay sane this holiday season
I wanted to pop in to say hola and wish you a sweet and easeful holiday season! I know this time of the year can be challenging to navigate so I wanted to share my top 4 tricks to remain sane and grateful with you. Let me know what you think:
Top 4 ways to stay sane this holiday season
Maintain your daily practices. Take 5-10 minutes every morning to just slow down and reflect. Take in the silence, ease, and sweetness of the day. Whether it be through breath work, yoga practice, journaling, etc. Whatever it is, invite yourself to sit in silence without needing to consume anything. This can help you access a sense of stability and remain present amidst the holiday chaos.
Consume… differently. Instead of heading out to the hoards of shoppers and overfilled parking lots, what if you shop online or cocoon in the safety of your home while researching your favorite small businesses, teachers, authors, courses? I have included 5 of my upcoming events if you want to join/ gift to your favorite person.
Bring your safe space with you. As I begin the holiday travels, these are my favorite items to create a safe + curated space wherever I am: water bottle, favorite incense/ candle, headphones or portable speaker, and journal.
Keep your mindfulness practices. Check in with yourself, know what you feel, give yourself compassion, and remain present to what arises without judgment. This can prevent emotional absorption from those around you, aid in keeping you present without falling into old patterns with family members, and help you remain calm with those you love.
May your holiday vibes be peaceful, easeful, and sweet. I am here whatever you need.