The Well Rested Woman
Things are shifting
Another volume is taking shape
This summer I retired from being a Mysore Yoga teacher
Some thought I was crazy, throwing away a steady income and career.
I traded my structured mornings with an alarm clock set at 455am daily for slow natural wakings without an alarm clock
I used my last 3 months of pay to pay off my car and purchase a set of nonrefundable flights all over the Americas: Canada, Montana, Wyoming, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Guatemala.
I set off to disentangle myself from doctrine, fanaticism, and loyalty to one way of being of service
I sought to learn from people whose bulk of wisdom comes from
direct experience with the land and her elements
I yearned to spend time with
those who use their bodies to
connect and commune
with place and nature on the daily
I needed to slow.the.fuck.down.
And so I did.
Best. Decision. Ever.
I am in awe of the connections and downloads that have been happening since I released myself from being confined to any particular lens, aperture, perspective.
it’s as though
every part of my system
has been turned back on
And finally
given permission
To function,
and manifest
in a much more potent,
and feminine way.
So much news about to be shared.
For now, just know:
My baby was built yesterday.
My offerings are changing
Being made more accessible
All the while I will have complete ownership of my creations and the direction I want to take it to.
I can’t wait to share more updates as the library grows and my app launches for the new year.
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