Don't Erase Her

I have been non-stop writing since inspiration revisited me this summer. I had a meeting with my editor last week and was excited to share 108 pages of pure inspiration, research, and yoga insights. Little did I know that she wasn't even going to read it… yet.

Before she read my work, she wanted to see my answers to her most basic question:

Who am I, the writer?

This was easy enough for me, I started off with my college degrees, graduate program mentions, and all the yoga and trainings I have completed. She looks at me and says:

Why start there?
Where is the rest of you?
Where is the little girl born in Puerto Rico, who lived on military base in Homestead, who's traversed languages, state lines, cultures?
Don't erase her.

Where is the one who was looking for answers to questions she hadn't articulated yet?
Who did she look to for answers?
Did she get them?

Document her,
the part of you that is at risk of being erased.
Write her in before she goes away.
Write about the parts of you that are at risk of disappearing.
Those parts of you that no one else can tell for you.
Where is she?
That's the book I want to read.


And so here I am, writing, reminiscing, creating, simmering, integrating

I love you