How many layers of belief can be dissolved?

A question i’ve been asking myself
My whole adult life
But has been coming back to my orbit these last few weeks is:
How many layers of belief can be dissolved?

And so I explore this
In everything I do
How I work with
my body

I am realizing that the relationship I’m cultivating with my body is one of the main tools I have to work with this question
And track
My understandings that
Humans didn’t evolve slowly over time.

Rather, there were circumstances that changed the human

The pressure eventually built up and then we went through a leap

It’s not slow

It’s pressure
Quantum leap

And this is what I’m experiencing and want to share with women. How to consciously work with their body, belief systems, and practices to help them work with the pressure cooker of these times in a way that is honest, informed, adaptive, and fulfilling.

💌 PS- I create personalized fitness programs for women who want to get stronger, have high quality of life, and are interested in cultivating a healthy relationship with fitness, training, and their bodies. email me for more information 💌