Do you think people ever fully heal from any type of heartbreak?

Heartbreaks are hard.
Losing someone you love is agonizing.
Breaking off an engagement is devastating.
Not being able to fulfill a vision of a family is overwhelming and maddening.
Witnessing the pain and destruction we are causing to this planet and its sentient beings is heart rending.
Knowing the person I love most in this world is gone is insane.
Love opens us into spaces of deep vulnerability, potential, and support.
After experiencing and living that, heartbreak feels like the complete opposite. We realize how vulnerable we have always been, the belief in the goodness of the world feels naive, and we may feel utterly and completely alone.

Although I have no idea what you are experiencing, all I can say is what i know: IT DEPENDS.

We all have our timelines, trajectories, and process.

It depends on you.
On what happened.
How it happened.
Why it happened.
How deeply you loved or didn’t.
What you wish was different or not.

Not really. And yes.

It depends.
On what you are telling yourself.
What narratives you are feeding.
What is being revealed to you and how that makes you feel.
What resources you have available to you and are willing to use.

It always depends.
On how active you are in the co-creation of this new you;
Without this relationship, person, story.

It will depend on you
How you speak and nurture yourself
It depends
on your own inner compass
How many people you are willing to disappoint in order to take care of yourself.

This is a time to learn to experience and sit with strong emotions.

Take care of yourself the way you would someone you love, respect, and admire.

Need space? Take it.
Need someone to talk to? Journal, get a loved one, or even a therapist.
Need to process? Please do so.

Heartbreak is not a personal flaw.
It is a collective experience.

Heartbreak re-routes us
Destroys who we thought we were.
And in this empty space, there it is again:
Deep potential, possibility, and silence.

All in all: I don’t know how long the process will be for you.

But you are not alone.
Remember: love will set you free,
But not until after it’s had its way with you.

Marie Belle Perez Rivera